LSPAR165036 4,3W/840230VGU10 BLI2 OSRAM
LED reflector lamps PAR16 s retrofit pin podnožje. CBP_01.00 Značajke proizvoda, sve [calc.]: LED alternative to conventional visoko naponska lamps. Bez žive lamps. CBP_02.00 Prednosti proizvoda, sve [calc.]: Low energy consumption. Laka replacement of Halogene žarulje due to compact full glass design i single optic. Trenutno 100% svjetla. Ideal za economical spotlighting. CBP_03.00 Područja primjene, sve [calc.]: trgovine. Hospitality. Museums, art galleries. Residential interiors. As a downlight za marking walkways, doors, stairs, etc.. Spotlighting za accents. Spotlighting heat-sensitive objects such as food, plants, etc.. vanjske applications only u suitable svjetiljke.